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2008/11/01 Saturday


Filed under: 未分類 — 管理人 @ 07:43:48







まあ、トラの尾をある意味踏んでしまった(grab hold of a lion’s tail)論文ということなんでしょうね。



アパグループ第一回「真の近現代史観」懸賞論文 最優秀藤誠志賞を航空幕僚長・田母神俊雄氏が受賞!」

日本は侵略国家であったのか  田母神俊雄

Was Japan an Aggressor Nation? by Tamogami Toshio」(英語版)








「当 時 の 列 強 と い わ れ る 国 々との比較で考えてみると日本の満州や朝鮮や台湾に対する思い入れは、列強の植民地統治とは全く違っていることに気がつくであろう。」


「さ て 日 本 が 中 国 大 陸 や 朝 鮮 半 島 を 侵 略 し たために、遂に日米戦争に突入し3 百万人もの犠牲者を出して敗戦を迎えることになった、日本は取り返しの付かない過ちを犯したという人がいる。しかしこれも今では、日本を戦争に引きずり込むために、アメリカによって慎重に仕掛けられた罠であったことが判明している」

「ル ー ズ ベ ル ト は 戦 争 を し な い と い う 公 約 で大統領になったため、日米戦争を開始するにはどうしても見かけ上日本に第1 撃を引かせる必要があった。日本はルーズベルトの仕掛けた罠にはまり真珠湾攻撃を決行することになる。」

「さ て 大 東 亜 戦 争 の 後 、 多 く の ア ジ ア 、 ア フリカ諸国が白人国家の支配から解放されることになった。人種平等の世界が到来し国家間の問題も話し合いによって解決されるようになった。それは日露戦争、そして大東亜戦争を戦った日本の力によるものである。もし日本があの時大東亜戦争を戦わなければ、現在のような人種平等の世界が来るのがあと百年、2 百年遅れていたかもしれない」

「東 京 裁 判 は あ の 戦 争 の 責 任 を 全 て 日本に押し付けようとしたものである。そしてそのマインドコントロールは戦後63 年を経てもなお日本人を惑わせている」



日本は侵略国家であったのか(-English translation of “Was Japan an Aggressor Nation?”-)

田母神俊雄(by Tamogami Toshio)

ア メ リ カ 合 衆 国 軍 隊 は 日 米 安 全 保 障条約により日本国内に駐留している。
Under the terms of the US-Japan Security Treaty, American troops are stationed within Japan. Nobody calls this an American invasion of Japan. That is because it is based on a treaty agreed upon between two nations.

Our country is said to have invaded the Chinese mainland and the Korean peninsula in the prewar period, but surprisingly few people are aware that the Japanese army was also stationed in these countries on the basis of treaties. The advance of the Japanese army onto the Korean peninsula and Chinese mainland from the latter half of the 19th century on was not a unilateral advance without the understanding of those nations. The current Chinese government obstinately insists that there was a “Japanese invasion,” but Japan obtained its interests in the Chinese mainland legally under international law through the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and so on, and it placed its troops there based on treaties in order to protect those interests.
There are those who say that Japan applied pressure and forced the Chinese to sign the treaty, thus invalidating it, but back then – and even now – there were no treaties signed without some amount of pressure.

こ の 日 本 軍 に 対 し 蒋 介 石 国 民 党 は 頻 繁 に テロ行為を繰り返す。邦人に対する大規模な暴行、惨殺事件も繰り返し発生する。
The Japanese army was subjected to frequent acts of terrorism by Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang (KMT). Large-scale attacks on and murders of Japanese citizens occurred many times. This would be like the Japanese Self-Defense Forces attacking the US troops stationed at the Yokota or Yokosuka military bases, committing acts of violence and murder against the American soldiers and their families – it would be unforgivable. Despite that, the Japanese government patiently tried to bring about peace, but at every turn they were betrayed by Chiang Kai-shek.

1936 年の第2 次国共合作によりコミンテルンの手先である毛沢東共産党のゲリラが国民党内に多数入り込んでいた。
我が国は国民党の度重なる挑発に遂に我慢しきれなくなって1937 年8 月15 日、日本の近衛文麿内閣は「支那軍の暴戻ぼうれいを膺懲ようちょうし以って南京政府の反省を促す為、今や断乎たる措置をとる」と言う声明を発表した。
In fact, Chiang Kai-shek was being manipulated by Comintern. As a result of the Second United Front of 1936, large numbers of guerillas from the Communist Party of Comintern puppet Mao Zedong infiltrated the KMT. The objective of Comintern was to pit the Japanese army and the KMT against each other to exhaust them both and, in the end, to have Mao Zedong’s Communist Party control mainland China. Finally, our country could no longer put up with the repeated provocations of the KMT, and on August 15, 1937, the Konoe Fumimaro Cabinet declared that “now we must take determined measures to punish the violent and unreasonable actions of the Chinese army and encourage the Nanking Government to reconsider.” Our country was a victim, drawn into the Sino-Japanese War by Chiang Kai-shek.

1928 年の張作霖列車爆破事件も関東軍の仕業であると長い間言われてきたが、近年ではソ連情報機関の資料が発掘され、少なくとも日本軍がやったとは断定できなくなった。
「マオ( 誰も知らなかった毛沢東)( ユン・チアン、講談社)」、「黄文雄の大東亜戦争肯定論( 黄文雄、ワック出版)」及び「日本よ、「歴史力」を磨け( 櫻井よしこ編、文藝春秋)」などによると、最近ではコミンテルンの仕業という説が極めて有力になってきている。
The bombing of Zhang Zuolin’s train in 1928 was for a long time said to have been the work of the Kwantung Army, but in recent years, Soviet intelligence documents have been discovered that at the very least cast doubt on the Kwantung Army’s role. According to such books as Mao: The Mao Zedong Nobody Knew by Jung Chang (Kodansha) 「マオ(誰も知らなかった毛沢東)(ユン・チアン、講談社)」, Ko Bunyu Looks Positively at the Greater East Asian War by Ko Bunyu (WAC Co.) 「黄文雄の大東亜戦争肯定論(黄文雄、ワック出版)」, and Refine Your Historical Power, Japan edited by Sakurai Yoshiko (Bungei Shunju) 「日本よ、 「歴史力」を磨け(櫻井よしこ編、文藝春秋)」, the theory that it was actually the work of Comintern has gained a great deal of prominence recently

日中戦争の開始直前の1937 年7 月7 日の廬溝橋事件についても、これまで日本の中国侵略の証みたいに言われてきた。
しかし今では、東京裁判の最中に中国共産党の劉少奇が西側の記者との記者会見で「廬溝橋の仕掛け人は中国共産党で、現地指揮官はこの俺だった」と証言していたことがわかっている「大東亜解放戦争( 岩間弘、岩間書店)」。
Similarly, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on July 7, 1937, immediately prior to the start of the Sino-Japanese War, had been considered as a kind of proof of Japan’s invasion of China. However, we now know that during the Tokyo War Trials, Liu Shaoqi of the Chinese Communist Party told Western reporters at a press conference, “The instigator of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident was the Chinese Communist Party, and the officer in charge was me.”

If you say that Japan was the aggressor nation, then I would like to ask what country among the great powers of that time was not an aggressor. That is not to say that because other countries were doing so it was all right for Japan to do so well, but rather that there is no reason to single out Japan as an aggressor nation.

我 が 国 は 満 州 も 朝 鮮 半 島 も 台 湾 も 日本本土と同じように開発しようとした。
満州帝國は、成立当初の1932 年1 月には3 千万人の人口であったが、毎年100 万人以上も人口が増え続け、1945 年の終戦時には5 千万人に増加していたのである。
Japan tried to develop Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula, and Taiwan in the same way it was developing the Japanese mainland. Among the major powers at that time, Japan was the only nation that tried to incorporate its colonies within the nation itself. In comparison to other countries, Japan’s colonial rule was very moderate. When Imperial Manchuria was established in January 1932, the population was thirty million. That population increased each year by more than 1 million people, reaching fifty million by the end of the war in 1945.

朝鮮半島も日本統治下の35 年間で1 千3 百万人の人口が2 千5 百万人と約2 倍に増えている「朝鮮総督府統計年鑑」。
Why was there such a population explosion in Manchuria? It was because Manchuria was a prosperous and safe region. People would not be flocking to a place that was being invaded. The plains of Manchuria, where there was almost no industry other than agriculture, was reborn as a vital industrial nation in just fifteen years thanks to the Japanese government. On the Korean Peninsula as well, during the thirty-five years of Japanese rule the population roughly doubled from thirteen million to twenty-five million people. That is proof that Korea under Japanese rule was also prosperous and safe. In postwar Japan, people say that the Japanese army destroyed the peaceful existence in Manchuria and on the Korean Peninsula. But in fact, through the efforts of the Japanese government and Japanese army, the people in these areas were released from the oppression they had been subjected to up until then, and their standard of living markedly improved.

我 が 国 は 満 州 や 朝 鮮 半 島 や 台 湾 に 学校を多く造り現地人の教育に力を入れた。
また1924 年には朝鮮に京城帝国大学、1928 年には台湾に台北帝国大学を設立した。
Our country built many schools in Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula, and Taiwan, and emphasized education for the native people. We left behind significant improvements to the infrastructure that affects everyday life – roads, power plants, water supply, etc. And we stablished Keijo Imperial University in Korea in 1924 as well as the Taipei Imperial University in 1928 in Taiwan.

日本政府は明治維新以降9 つの帝国大学を設立したが、京城帝国大学は6 番目、台北帝国大学は7 番目に造られた。
その後8 番目が1931 年の大阪帝国大学、9 番目が1939 年の名古屋帝国大学という順である。
Following the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government established nine imperial universities. Keijo Imperial University was the sixth and Taipei Imperial University was the seventh to be built. The subsequent order was that Osaka Imperial University was eighth (1931) and Nagoya Imperial University was ninth (1939). The Japanese government actually built imperial universities in Korea and Taiwan even before Osaka and Nagoya.

この人は陸軍士官学校2 6 期生で、硫黄島で勇名をはせた栗林忠道中将と同期生である。
The Japanese government also permitted the enrollment of Chinese and Japanese citizens into the Imperial Japanese Army Academy. At the Manila military tribunal following the war, there was a lieutenant general in the Japanese army named Hong Sa-ik, a native Korean who was sentenced to death. Hong graduated in the 26th class at the Army Academy, where he was a classmate of Lt. General Kuribayashi Tadamichi, who gained fame at Iwo Jima.

朝鮮名のままで帝国陸軍の中将に栄進した人である。またその1 期後輩には金キン錫源ソグォン大佐がいる。
日中戦争の時、中国で大隊長であった。日本兵約1 千名を率いて何百年も虐められ続けた元宗主国の中国軍を蹴散らした。
Hong was a person who rose to lieutenant general in the Imperial Japanese Army while retaining his Korean name. One class behind him at the academy was Col. Kim Suk-won, who served as a major in China at the time of the Sino-Japanese War. Leading a force of roughly 1,000 Japanese troops, he trampled the army from China, the former suzerain state that had been bullying Korea for hundreds of years. He was decorated by the emperor for his meritorious war service. Of course, he did not change his name. In China, Chiang Kai-shek also graduated from the Imperial Japanese Army Academy and received training while attached to a regiment in Takada, in Niigata.

1 期後輩で蒋介石の参謀で何応欽カオウキンもいる。
李王朝の最後の殿下である李垠イウン殿下も陸軍士官学校の2 9 期の卒業生である。
李垠イウン殿下は日本に対する人質のような形で1 0 歳の時に日本に来られることになった。
One year below Kim Suk-won at the academy was the man who would be Chiang’s staff officer, He Yingqin. The last crown prince of the Yi dynasty, Crown Prince Yi Eun also attended the Army Academy, graduating in the 29th class. Crown Prince Yi Eun was brought to Japan as a sort of hostage at the age of ten. However, the Japanese government treated him respectfully as a member of the royal family, and after receiving his education at Gakushuin, he graduated from
the Imperial Japanese Army Academy. In the army, he was promoted and served as a lieutenant general. Crown Prince Yi Eun was married to Japan’s Princess Nashimotonomiya Masako. She was a woman of nobility who previously had been considered as a potential bride for the Showa Emperor. If the Japanese government had intended to smash the Yi dynasty, they surely would not have permitted the marriage of a woman of this stature to Crown Prince Yi Eun.

因みに宮内省はお二人のために1930 年に新居を建設した。
Incidentally, in 1930, the Imperial Household Agency built a new residence for the couple. It is now the Akasaka Prince Hotel Annex. Also, Prince Pujie, the younger brother of Puyi – the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, who was also the emperor of Manchuria – was married to Lady Saga Hiro of the noble Saga house.

こ れ を 当 時 の 列 強 と い わ れ る 国 々との比較で考えてみると日本の満州や朝鮮や台湾に対する思い入れは、列強の植民地統治とは全く違っていることに気がつくであろう。
When you compare this with the countries that were considered to be major powers at the time, you realize that Japan’s posture toward Manchuria, Korea, and Taiwan was completely different from the colonial rule of the major powers. England occupied India, but it did not provide education for the Indian people. Indians were not permitted to attend the British military academy. Of course, they would never have considered a marriage between a member of the British royal family and an Indian. This holds true for Holland, France, America, and other
countries as well.

一方日本は第2 次大戦前から5族協和を唱え、大和、朝鮮、漢、満州、蒙古の各民族が入り交じって仲良く暮らすことを夢に描いていた。
第1 次大戦後のパリ講和会議において、日本が人種差別撤廃を条約に書き込むことを主張した際、イギリスやアメリカから一笑に付されたのである。
By contrast, from before the start of World War II, Japan had been calling for harmony between the five tribes, laying out a vision for the tribes – the Yamato (Japanese), Koreans, Chinese, Manchurians, and Mongols – to intermix and live peacefully together. At a time when racial discrimination was considered natural, this was a groundbreaking proposal. At the Paris Peace Conference at the end of World War I, when Japan urged that the abolition of racial discrimination be included in the treaty, England and America laughed it off. But if you look at the world today, it has become the kind of world that Japan was urging at the time.

時 間 は 遡 る が 、 清 国 は 1900 年の義和団事件の事後処理を迫られ1901 年に我が国を含む11 カ国との間で義和団最終議定書を締結した。
その結果として我が国は清国に駐兵権を獲得し当初2 600 名の兵を置いた「廬溝橋事件の研究(秦郁彦、東京大学出版会) 」。
また1915 年には袁世凱政府との4 ヶ月にわたる交渉の末、中国の言い分も入れて、いわゆる対華21 箇条の要求について合意した。
Going back in time to 1901, in the aftermath of the Boxer Rebellion, the Qing Empire signed the Boxer Protocol in 1901 with eleven countries including Japan. As a result, our country gained the right to station troops in Qing China, and began by dispatching 2,600 troops there. Also, in 1915, following four months of negotiations with the government of Yuan Shikai, and incorporating China’s points as well, agreement was reached on Japan’s so-called 21 Demands toward China. Some people say that this was the start of Japan’s invasion of China, but if you compare these demands to the general international norms of colonial administration by the great powers at the time, there was nothing terribly unusual about it. China too accepted the demands at one point and ratified them.

しかし4 年後の1919 年、パリ講和会議に列席を許された中国が、アメリカの後押しで対華21箇条の要求に対する不満を述べることになる。
それでもイギリスやフランスなどは日本の言い分を支持してくれたのである「日本史から見た日本人・昭和編( 渡部昇一、祥伝社)」。
However, four years later, in 1919, when China was allowed to attend the Paris Peace Conference, it began complaining about the 21 Demands with America’s backing. Even then, England and France supported Japan’s position. Moreover, Japan never advanced its army without the agreement of Chiang Kai-shek’s KMT.

1901 年から置かれることになった北京の日本軍は、36 年後の廬溝橋事件の時でさえ5600 名にしかなっていない「廬溝橋事件の研究(秦郁彦、東京大学出版会) 」。
The Japanese army in Beijing, which was stationed there from 1901, still comprised just 5,600 troops at the time of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident thirty-six years later. At that time, tens of thousands of KMT troops were spread out in the area surrounding Beijing, and even in terms of appearances it was a far cry from being an invasion. As symbolized by Foreign Minister Shidehara Kijuro, our country’s basic policy at the time was one of reconciliation with China, and that has not changed even today.

さ て 日 本 が 中 国 大 陸 や 朝 鮮 半 島 を 侵 略 し たために、遂に日米戦争に突入し3 百万人もの犠牲者を出して敗戦を迎えることになった、日本は取り返しの付かない過ちを犯したという人がいる。
There are some who say that it was because Japan invaded the Chinese mainland and the Korean Peninsula that it ended up entering the war with the United States, where it lost three million people and met with defeat; it committed an irrevocable error. However, it has also been confirmed now that Japan was ensnared in a trap that was very carefully laid by the United States in order to draw Japan into a war.

米国国家安全保障局( N S A )のホームページに載っている。
膨大な文書であるが、月刊正論平成18 年5 月号に青山学院大学の福井助教授(当時)が内容をかいつまんで紹介してくれている。
In fact, America was also being manipulated by Comintern. There are official documents called the Venona Files, which are available on the National Security Agency (NSA) website. It is a massive set of documents, but in the May 2006 edition of “Monthly Just Arguments” 「月刊正論」, (then) Assistant Professor Fukui of Aoyama Gakuin University offered a summary introduction.

アメリカは1940 年から1948 年までの8年間これをモニターしていた。
当時ソ連は1 回限りの暗号書を使用していたためアメリカはこれを解読できなかった。
そこでアメリカは、日米戦争の最中である1943 年から解読作業を開始した。
そしてなんと37 年もかかって、レーガン政権が出来る直前の1980 年に至って解読作業を終えたというから驚きである。
The Venona Files are a collection of transmissions between Comintern and agents in the United States, which the United States was monitoring for eight years, from 1940 to 1948. At the time, the Soviets were changing their codes after each message, so the United States could not decipher them. From 1943, right in the middle of the war with Japan, the United States began its decryption work. Surprisingly, it took thirty-seven years to finish the work; it was completed just before the start of the Reagan administration in 1980. However, since it was the middle of the Cold War, the Americans kept these documents classified.

その後冷戦が終了し1995 年に機密が解除され一般に公開されることになった。
これによれば1933 年に生まれたアメリカのフランクリン・ルーズベルト政権の中には3 百人のコミンテルンのスパイがいたという。
その中で昇りつめたのは財務省ナンバー2 の財務次官ハリー・ホワイトであった。
In 1995, following the end of the Cold War, they were declassified and made open to the public. According to those files, there were three hundred Comintern spies working in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who took office in 1933. Among them, one who rose to the top was the number two official at the Treasury, Assistant Secretary Harry White. Harry White is said to have been the perpetrator who wrote the Hull note, America’s final notice to Japan before the war began. Through President Roosevelt’s good friend, Treasury Secretary Morgenthau, he was able to manipulate President Roosevelt and draw our country into a war with the United States.

彼はハリー・ホワイトらを通じてコミンテルンの工作を受け、戦闘機100 機からなるフライイングタイガースを派遣するなど、日本と戦う蒋介石を、陰で強力に支援していた。
真珠湾攻撃に先立つ1 ヶ月半も前から中国大陸においてアメリカは日本に対し、隠密に航空攻撃を開始していたのである。
At the time, Roosevelt was not aware of the terrible nature of communism. Through Harry White, he was on the receiving end of Comintern’s maneuvering, and he was covertly offering strong support to Chiang Kai-shek, who was battling Japan at the time, sending the Flying Tigers squadron comprised of one hundred fighter planes. Starting one and a half months prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States began covert air attacks against Japan on the Chinese mainland.

ル ー ズ ベ ル ト は 戦 争 を し な い と い う 公 約 で大統領になったため、日米戦争を開始するにはどうしても見かけ上日本に第1 撃を引かせる必要があった。
Roosevelt had become president on his public pledge not to go to war, so in order to start a war between the United States and Japan it had to appear that Japan took the first shot. Japan was caught in Roosevelt’s trap and carried out the attack on Pearl Harbor.

しかし一時的に戦争を避けることが出来たとしても、当時の弱肉強食の国際情勢を考えれば、アメリカから第2, 第3 の要求が出てきたであろうことは容易に想像がつく。
Could the war have been avoided? If Japan had accepted the conditions lain out by the United States in the Hull note, perhaps the war could have been temporarily avoided. But even if the war had been avoided temporarily, when you consider the survival of the fittest mentality that dominated international relations at the time, you can easily imagine that the United States would have issued a second and a third set of demands. As a result, those of us living today could very well have been living in a Japan that was a white nation’s colony.

If you leave people alone, someday someone will create the conveniences of civilization, such as cars, washing machines, and computers. But in the history of mankind, the relationship between the rulers and the ruled is only determined by war. It is impossible for those who are powerful to grant concessions on their own. Those who do not fight must resign themselves to being ruled by others.

さ て 大 東 亜 戦 争 の 後 、 多 く の ア ジ ア 、 ア フリカ諸国が白人国家の支配から解放されることになった。
もし日本があの時大東亜戦争を戦わなければ、現在のような人種平等の世界が来るのがあと百年、2 百年遅れていたかもしれない。
After the Greater East Asia War, many countries in Asia and Africa were released from the control of white nations. A world of racial equality arrived and problems between nations were to be decided through discussion. That was a result of Japan’s strength in fighting the Russo-Japanese War and Greater East Asia War. If Japan had not fought the Greater East War at that time, it may have taken another one hundred or two hundred years before we could have experienced the world of racial equality that we have today. In that sense, we must be grateful to our ancestors who fought for Japan and to the spirits of those who gave their precious lives for their country. It is thanks to them that we are able to enjoy the peaceful and plentiful lifestyle we have today.

一 方 で 大 東 亜 戦 争 を 「 あ の 愚 劣 な 戦 争 」 などという人がいる。
On the other hand, there are those who call the Greater East Asia War “that stupid war.” They probably believe that even without fighting a war we could have achieved today’s peaceful and plentiful society. It is as if they think that all of our country’s leaders at that time were stupid. We undertook a needless war and many Japanese citizens lost their lives. They seem to be saying that all those who perished actually died in vain.

ロシアとの関係でも北方四島は6 0 年以上不法に占拠されたままである。
However, when you look back at the history of mankind, you understand that nothing is as simple as that. Even today, once a decision is made about an international relationship it is extremely difficult to overturn that. Based on the US-Japan Security Treaty, America possesses bases even in Japan’s capital region of Tokyo. Even if Japan said they wanted those bases back, they would not be easily returned. In terms of our relationship with Russia as well, the Northern Islands remain illegally occupied even after more than sixty years. And Takeshima remains under the effective control of South Korea.

東 京 裁 判 は あ の 戦 争 の 責 任 を 全 て 日本に押し付けようとしたものである。
そしてそのマインドコントロールは戦後63 年を経てもなお日本人を惑わせている。
The Tokyo Trials tried to push all the responsibility for the war onto Japan. And that mind control is still misleading the Japanese people sixty-three years after the war. The belief is that if the Japanese army becomes stronger, it will certainly go on a rampage and invade other countries, so we need to make it as difficult as possible for the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to act. The SDF cannot even defend its own territory, it cannot practice collective self-defense, there are many limitations on its use of weapons, and the possession of offensive weaponry is forbidden. Compared to the militaries of other countries, the SDF is bound hand and foot and immobilized.

日本国民は2 0 年前と今とではどちらが心安らかに暮らしているのだろうか。
Unless our country is released from this mind control, it will never have a system for protecting itself through its own power. We have no choice but to be protected by America. If we are protected by America, then the Americanization of Japan will be accelerated. Japan’s economy, its finances, its business practices, its employment system, its judicial system will all converge with the American system. Our country’s traditional culture will be destroyed by the parade of reforms. Japan is undergoing a cultural revolution, is it not? But are the citizens of Japan living in greater ease now or twenty years ago? Is Japan becoming a better country?

I am not repudiating the US-Japan alliance. Good relations between Japan and the United States are essential to the stability of the Asian region. However, what is most desirable in the US-Japan relationship is something like a good relationship between parent and child, where they come to each other’s aid when needed, as opposed to the kind of relationship where the child remains permanently dependant on the parent.

自 分 の 国 を 自 分 で 守 る 体 制 を 整 え る こ と は、我が国に対する侵略を未然に抑止するとともに外交交渉の後ろ盾になる。
Creating a structure where we can protect our country ourselves allows us to preemptively prevent an attack on Japan, and at the same time serves to bolster our position in diplomatic negotiations. This is understood in many countries to be perfectly normal, but that concept has not gotten through to our citizens.

Even now, there are many people who think that our country’s aggression caused unbearable suffering to the countries of Asia during the Greater East Asia War. But we need to realize that many Asian countries take a positive view of the Greater East Asia War. In Thailand, Burma, India, Singapore, and Indonesia, the Japan that fought the Greater East Asia War is held in high esteem. We also have to realize that while many of the people who had direct contact with the Japanese army viewed them positively, it is often those who never directly saw the Japanese military who are spreading rumors about the army’s acts of brutality. Many foreigners have testified to the strict military discipline of the Japanese troops as compared to those of other countries. It is certainly a false accusation to say that our country was an aggressor nation.

日 本 と い う の は 古 い 歴 史 と 優 れ た 伝 統を持つ素晴らしい国なのだ。
Japan is a wonderful country that has a long history and exceptional traditions. We, as Japanese people, must take pride in our country’s history. Unless they are influenced by some particular ideology, people will naturally love the hometown and the country where they were born. But in Japan’s case, if you look assiduously at the historical facts, you will understand that what this country has done is wonderful. There is absolutely no need for lies and fabrications. If you look at individual events, there were probably some that would be called misdeeds. That is the same as saying that there is violence and murder occurring today even in advanced nations.

We must take back the glorious history of Japan. A nation that denies its own history is destined to pursue a path of decline.



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